2008年5月25日 星期日

Chapter8.Section2. Works of oilpainting.Subject3.The Kaohsiung Harbour (高雄港).

@Lighthouse of the Kaohsiung Harbour.(高雄燈塔)

Lighthouse of the Kaohsiung Harbour.(高雄燈塔)*Oilpainting on canvas*1995*12F

Sketch of the kaohsiung lighthouse.*6Bpenci*1995

Chapter8.Section2. Works of oilpainting.Subject2.The champaign of yilan(宜蘭平原).

@The view of yilan champaign .(宜蘭平原)

The champaign of yilan(宜蘭平原). *Oilpainting on canvas*10F*1995

The gueishan islet (龜山島)and champaign of yilan(宜蘭平原).
*Oilpainting on canvas*8F*1994


Chapter8.section2. Works of oilpainting.Subject1.The guanyin mountain 觀音山 .

@Survey from yangming mountaint(陽明山)
to the guanyin mountaint(觀音山).
*oilpainting on canvas,unfinnished.*10F*1994.