2008年5月23日 星期五

Chapter7.A trip of the Ali mountain.(阿里山)

@The sketch of Ali mountaint(阿里山)drawings was created in 1992 summer.*6Bpencil

The Ali mountaint(阿里山) .*fig1

The Ali mount.(阿里山).*fig2

Pine tree in the Ali mountaint.*fig3

Small train station at erwanping(二萬坪)in the Ali mountaint.*fig4

The roots, part of cypress.

The saddle of hill at tatajia(塔塔加鞍部).

Cypree tree at tatajia.(塔塔加)

The big hemlock spruce(大鐵杉)at tatajia.(塔塔加)

The vines of jelly fruit(Aiyuzih愛玉子) wind itself round the cypree tree.