2008年5月25日 星期日

Chapter8.Section2. Works of oilpainting.Subject3.The Kaohsiung Harbour (高雄港).

@Lighthouse of the Kaohsiung Harbour.(高雄燈塔)

Lighthouse of the Kaohsiung Harbour.(高雄燈塔)*Oilpainting on canvas*1995*12F

Sketch of the kaohsiung lighthouse.*6Bpenci*1995

Chapter8.Section2. Works of oilpainting.Subject2.The champaign of yilan(宜蘭平原).

@The view of yilan champaign .(宜蘭平原)

The champaign of yilan(宜蘭平原). *Oilpainting on canvas*10F*1995

The gueishan islet (龜山島)and champaign of yilan(宜蘭平原).
*Oilpainting on canvas*8F*1994


Chapter8.section2. Works of oilpainting.Subject1.The guanyin mountain 觀音山 .

@Survey from yangming mountaint(陽明山)
to the guanyin mountaint(觀音山).
*oilpainting on canvas,unfinnished.*10F*1994.

2008年5月24日 星期六

Chapter8.section1. Works of water color ,at bay of sizih(西子灣) in the kaohsiung harbour.(高雄港)

@View from the bay of sizih.(西子灣)
*The 6B pencil drawings was covered with water color.

The historic Britain consulate.(英國領事館古蹟)

The lighthouse of Kaohsiung harbour(高雄燈塔).

Chapter7.The trip of north traverse(北橫) and wuling(武陵).

@The divine tree of daguan(達觀神木)*drawn in 1992*6Bpencil

The Dam of ronghua.(榮華水壩)

The divine tree of daguan.(達觀神木)*fig1

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig2

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fi3

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig4

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig5

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig6

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig7

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig8

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig9

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig10

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig11

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig12

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig13

The root of the dagunan(達觀) divine tree.

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig14

The divine tree of dagunan.(達觀)*fig15

The hill of sihyuan 思源啞口.

Tree of wuling. (武陵)

The village of wuling.(武陵山莊)

2008年5月23日 星期五

Chapter7.A trip of the Ali mountain.(阿里山)

@The sketch of Ali mountaint(阿里山)drawings was created in 1992 summer.*6Bpencil

The Ali mountaint(阿里山) .*fig1

The Ali mount.(阿里山).*fig2

Pine tree in the Ali mountaint.*fig3

Small train station at erwanping(二萬坪)in the Ali mountaint.*fig4

The roots, part of cypress.

The saddle of hill at tatajia(塔塔加鞍部).

Cypree tree at tatajia.(塔塔加)

The big hemlock spruce(大鐵杉)at tatajia.(塔塔加)

The vines of jelly fruit(Aiyuzih愛玉子) wind itself round the cypree tree.

2008年5月22日 星期四

Chapter6.The travelling drawings of seacoast at the green island & orchid island.

@The geen island (lyudao,綠島) *6Bpencil.

Rock of generals (將軍岩)

Cliff of the slipping beauty and pug.(睡美人與哈巴狗)

Bay of pomelon.(柚子湖)

Lighthouse of the green island.(綠島燈塔)

The sleeping beauty.(睡美人) *fig1

The Sleeping beauty.(睡美人)*fig2

The sleeping beauty.(睡美人)*fig3

The sleeping beauty.(睡美人)*fig4

The islet of chendao.(晨島)

The head of cattle Cliff .(牛頭嶺)

@The island of orchid.(蘭嶼) *6Bpencil

The rock of face from a boat.(人面石)

The bay of dongcing.(東清)*fig1

The bay of dongcing.(東清)*fig2

The mountan of reddish peak.(紅頭山)

The orchid island(蘭嶼) drawing had been upsidedown for my boatsick, faded by water of sea.

The reddish peak island.(紅頭嶼)

The handwriting notes record the trip.